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Tag: Life Insurance

Do I Need To Update My Life Insurance Policy If I Get A More Dangerous Job?

Do I Need To Update My Life Insurance Policy If I Get A More Dangerous Job?

On-the-job injuries happen in every industry. Even office workers can be hurt in trip or slip and fall or other types of work-related accidents. But some occupations are more hazardous than others. If you have recently begun a more dangerous job, you probably need to update your life insurance policy. What Makes A Job More Dangerous? Occupations are generally considered to be more hazardous when...

Three Uncommon Life Insurance Scenarios

Three Uncommon Life Insurance Scenarios

In most cases, when the insured on a life insurance policy dies, the proceeds are paid out to named beneficiaries without a hitch. However, you should be aware of certain unusual scenarios that could occur. Speak with our knowledgeable agent for professional help in avoiding potentially tricky situations with your life insurance policy. Beneficiaries & Insured Persons Die At The Same Time It is not...

Should I Sign Up For Life Insurance Through Work If I Already Have A Life Insurance Policy?

Should I Sign Up For Life Insurance Through Work If I Already Have A Life Insurance Policy?

Life insurance is offered by some employers as part of their group benefits package. Usually, the employer pays for most or all of the premiums. Companies are not required to provide life insurance for their employees. When they do, it is a nice benefit, and you should take advantage of it. If you already have an individual life insurance policy, that is ideal, as group...

What Happens To My Mortgage Protection Insurance If I Sell My House?

What Happens To My Mortgage Protection Insurance If I Sell My House?

When you purchase a home, you are likely to get offers for mortgage protection insurance, a type of life insurance that will pay off your mortgage in case you die or become disabled. This provides protection for your family if you are no longer there or no longer able to work to pay the mortgage. If you die, with some policies, the proceeds go directly...

How Do I Change My Life Insurance Beneficiary?

How Do I Change My Life Insurance Beneficiary?

It is crucial to name a beneficiary on your life insurance policy. Otherwise, when you die, the policy becomes part of your estate and subject to probate. However, you may change your mind about who you want your beneficiary to be, in which case you have the right to change it. What Is The Process For Changing Beneficiaries On A Life Insurance Policy? In most...